Sunday, July 13, 2008

Error! Error! Crud Crud CRUD!


If we can't raise over $60 by October 11, we can't go to Anime USA!!! Unless, of course, Jet refuses to come, but that would suck so we're really hoping she will. ANYways, If anyone has a good idea to raise money, please comment, telling us your great idea. It would mean so much if you gave us an idea, because it may get us there; our first Anime Convention. (total geeks? YOU BET!)

NOTE: We are NOT asking you to give us money! Because that would equal begging, and begging for free money on the web= LAME. What we want are ideas, so that we can raise enough to get to the place, plus get some souvenirs if at all possible. So send in those ideas! We'll be waiting!

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