Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kiyoko on Bullying

My world whirls at a quicker pace than I can keep up with. How is one supposed to keep up? Simply, it's impossible.
You will always find people who tell you, "To say something is impossible means you are not trying," but that just isn't so. Sometimes, you HAVE to give up, and say, I'll try again later.

Ok, onto todays topic... bullying. I have a message for all those bullies out there, those I know and those I don't:
Do you feel better pushing me around? Do you feel good about yourself seeing me fall? Do you feel powerful when you see me lying in the dirt motionless? Do you rejoice in my... dying? Why?Why must you kill me to be happy? Why must you push me down, push me around until I can take no more? Moreover, why can't you see what you do is wrong? I demand an apology for what you've done- and you ask, "What did I do?"