Monday, October 27, 2008

Da da da daaaaaaaaa DAAAAAAAAAAAA~

What is this, the Kuroda saga? Once again, Kuroda-san was in my dream. This time, it didn't interrupt the dream, though, it just was the dream. I think this is what comes from reading too much Shoujo before bed. (Note: Shoujo=girls manga) Namely, Ouran. Namely, the date between Haruhi and Hikaru.

So, I was at the door to a cozy little bookshop I have never seen before (there were candles everywhere. YAY!), with my Mum. Suddenly, Kuroda was walking past, and then Mum said, "Hey, how about you shop with him?", pulling Kuroda out of the crowd. His face had this look like 'WTF?', while I thought 'Gee thanks, Mum." So she left us, vanishing into the crowd. Together, we walked into the book store. He instantly wandered off, leaving me very releived. I sank into this armchair, and stared at the shelf in front of me, thinking of nothing in particular. I glanced back several times, to see him browsing a shelf farther back. I turned back to my shelf, blushing, and the dream ended. I think I saw Ouran on the shelf, btw.

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