Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sickly Little Kiyo~

Ok, so I've had a cold, and I blamed that for my tiredness and stuff. But ooooooooooh, no! I can't be normal and have a cold. Well, I DO have a cold, but that's not all! I also have Hypothyroidism. (Bolded and italicized for it's spiffy medical-ness). Now I have to take a pill every morning. Yay for me. Also, I have to do more bloodwork next month to make sure if it's the right dose. We can only assume that if it's not, I have to get my bloodwork done aGAIN a month from then to see if THAT amount is working. I didn't like it the first time; I'll demand out of school for a week if I have to do it again. Though I have to admit, the people in the Lab were amusing- one went off about the bogeyman, and then the other said "Don't worry about it, I'm gonna do your bloodwork, not her- she crazy."

You had to be there.

The point is, this makes me feel very sickly, even though I'm really not. Yes, I'm blatantly ignoring the fact that I've been out sick for about 1/3 of the school year so far.

So Hana, if I don't finish your present on time, I have an alibi for this one. This one.

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