Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm bored, I don't wanna do memes, and somehow I'm not falling back on Sims. Odd. So instead, you get to hear me rant about... stuff. Ok, here we go:

I entered a contest. Pretty cool, and I kinda like my entry. Boost my ego, check it out. While you're there, laugh at my horrible tablet skills from my memes.

I should just go join the Black Magic Club (OHSHC) already. I've been slaving away at this Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, and have started to wonder if I might have been/be a poltergeist agent. Since reading the book, my trashcan has moved on it's own, and you know those grids that cover lights at school? I was really irritated in 6th period, and one suddenly fell down and swung on it's hinges. We all were freaked out, but then we started laughing. Nothing else weird happened, and the grid didn't seem loose before then. Odd...

I'm a mixture of every charecter I've ever read about, manga or non, plus a little Kiyo-spark. (Sure thats a word!) So, idioticly, I'm going to list as many charecters as I can remember and write why I'm like them.

Alanna (Tortall) - Stubborn as a mule I am.
Aly (Tortall) - Sneaky, and calculating.
Darkings (Tortall) - overly simple at times, but dead useful.
Chenaol (Tortall - Kyprin Isles) - I'm good in the kitchens, really!
Dove Balitang (Tortall - Kyprin Isles) - Really smart and logical, could take over IN LIEU of someone else.
Sarai Balitang (Tortall - Kyprin Isles) - Total Romantic.
Haruhi (Ouran) - Sometimes pretend to be something I'm not
Hunny (Ouran) - Totally little kiddish sometimes
Twins (Ouran) - Little devil at times (no, really!)
Tamaki (Ouran) - Overly dramatic to a fault
Mori (Ouran) - Have you SEEN my "I so do not want to be here" face? Just like this: -.-
Kyouya (Ouran) - Logical, cold, and ruthless when I want my way hard enough.

I'll finish later, if I feel like it. :P Give me a couple book charecter names. If I know them, I'll compare myself to them, esp if they're a girl.

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